Saturday, January 15, 2022

Lack of clarity?

 I did my first presentation since Gloria died, yesterday.  ("Security Awareness Lessons from Dr. Bonnie.")

I survived it, and I got lots of thanks and compliments.  (How many of those were due to my "bravery" in being able to present at all, I don't know.)  I used some illustrations and examples from or with Gloria.

Looking back on it, I have to note that all of the Gloria examples were either incomplete, or not comprehensive.  I'm afraid that, many times, it may not have been clear why I was using this particular illustration, or what I was illustrating.  I didn't break down at any point.  I may have been unconsciously hurrying past any particularly emotional points.  It may simply be the sleep deprivation, or background depression.  But although it seems like I can talk about Gloria and be OK, I'm not sure that I really can, or, at least, not in a completely public setting like a conference or meeting presentation.

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