Friday, April 8, 2022

Maybe I'm gardening wrong?

So, the line of radish seeds that I planted outside my office window seem to have sprouted.  So have the line of radish seeds that we planted in the community garden.  On the other hand, the radishes that I put into a pot *don't* seem to have sprouted.  (But, if they didn't, then where did the radish sprouts comes from on the *surface* of that pot, which seemed to have been pulled up by the birds, and which I lovingly *re*-planted in another pot?)

The two pots that I sprinkled carrot seeds onto seem to have some remarkably similar sets of tendrils coming up out of the soil.  But the line of carrot seeds that I planted outside of the office, and the other one in the community garden, have so far produced nothing at all.

The "volunteer" Swiss Chard (although I don't know this stuff, and they may be Austrian, for all I know) that was left over in the community garden, and which I replanted in a line, seems, if anything, to be shrinking.

None of the corn has sprouted yet.  And my attempt at germinating pines appears, so far, to be a complete and unremediated failure.

I'm not very good at this.

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