Monday, April 18, 2022

Growing patience?

Maybe I need to learn patience with this gardening thing.  I seem to have spoken (blogged?) too soon.  Some things are sprouting.

Mind you, it still seems weird.  I obviously planted the corn, originally, too early.  Nothing came up.  So I replanted it all, and now, only a week after I did, some things are sprouting!

So I replanted all the carrots along the line that didn't sprout.  Mind you, I coddled that first line, and the stuff I put in the pots I never paid any attention to.  And the pots sprouted, and the line didn't.  And the line that I put in the community garden, and didn't coddle, sprouted too.  Carrots like neglect?  Unlike what I was told?

The stuff I had the kids put in the church beds hasn't done a thing.  Not even the radishes.  This could get dicey.

On the other hand, the tomatoes and brussel sprouts that I "started" in a little greenhouse has sprouted so fast that I've had to put them out before I intended to.

I still don't have this stuff down pat ...

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