Friday, September 23, 2022

Tweed jacket

So, as part of my purging and packing, I had a look at the garment hanger in which Gloria stored her wedding dress.  (Her *second* wedding dress.  Ours.)  The hardware inside the garment hanger has completely fallen apart.  Everything, that was neatly hung (when the hardware was working), is simply in a heap in the bottom of the bag.

Gloria stored other things in that bag.  Besides her wedding dress there are a couple of other dresses in there.  Because I wore my dress kilt for our wedding, my dress kilt, and the Prince Charlie jacket and vest, and the dress shirt that I had to go with them, are all stored in that garment bag as well.  In addition, there is the Hunting Stuart kilt, that I had tailored at the same time as the dress kilt and Prince Charlie jacket.

I had a tweed jacket tailored at the same time.  But, when I went to move the kilts and Prince Charlie jacket to another garment bag, for safer transport in the move, I didn't find the tweed jacket.  Then I remembered that the tweed jacket had been hanging in the coat closet, beside the door, in North Vancouver.  The tweed jacket was just one of the jackets that I didn't wear.  Most of which I couldn't wear, because I had gotten too big for them.  Pretty much all of which I told the girls to throw out, because I was too big for them, and would never wear them, and in the panic move from North Vancouver to Delta it was one more thing that I could purge and get rid of.

So, apparently I instructed the girls to get rid of my tailored tweed jacket at that time.  I obviously felt I would never be small enough to wear it again, and there was no sense keeping it.   Well, thanks to my ridiculous diet, I am now small enough to wear it again.  But it's gone.  One more loss among all the losses associated with Gloria's death.

I'm not crying over this loss, although I can feel tears ready behind my eyes.  It doesn't seem to be quite enough of a trigger to generate a grief burst.  I am grieving, a little bit, about the loss of the jacket.  I think mostly I'm feeling more annoyed about it then grieving.  Annoyed over my own decisions, most likely.

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