Saturday, June 18, 2022


I did an hour at Deltassist figuring out how the watering system for the front planters worked.  That was *after* I did two and a half hours watering the main garden areas.  My back is killing me.

All that time took it over the lunch break, and a couple of the staff came out to eat lunch in the garden.  One counsellor was asking if I had been gardening long, and I said I had taken it up after my wife died.  To move on, I noted that there was a dragonfly over the garden, and that I had had a butterfly around me most of the time I had been watering.  She decided to go with the newage-y idea that our loved ones come back and visit us as animals or insects.

(She's young.  She'll eventually learn that you don't open a can of worms unless you're really good at worm wrangling ...)

OK, yes, Gloria really liked butterflies.  So I couldn't carry on much of a conversation after that ...

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