Thursday, December 1, 2022

Grief Guys (3)

I suspect that we could start with a guy's grief group.  Men only.  And, because of the need, for guys, to have activity, more than talking, I think that it would be a good idea to divide the two-hour meeting into two parts.

The grief groups tend to divide into two parts anyways, with a break for coffee in the middle, but for the grief guys group, this would be a bit more structured.  The first hour would be project type work.  This would give the feeling of activity, and it would give the guys in the group a bit more of a comfort level, when, after the midpoint break, it moves into the second part, which is more of the Kumbaya stuff.  At that point, having already worked with the group on a bit of project stuff, the guys in the group might be more willing to discuss the aspects of grief, and their feelings, and their need for help.

To give more of an idea of "work" and activity, I think it would be important to set up the group meetings in a room with tables, rather than just the circle of chairs for the current groups.  This allows for taking notes, etc, and provides more of a "work" impression, which is probably important.

Projects, in a number of aspects, would be suggested by the guys in the group.  An initial, seeder, project would be the formation of a death list, or a series of death lists: a list of things to do in preparation for an upcoming death to do or to check, a list of things to do immediately following a death, and a list of things to do immediately following a death specifically for men.  (There are such lists, of course, and we could use them as an initial basis, and starting point, but, from my own experience, I would say that there is a lot of work to be done on such lists.)

An additional project would be the creation of a list of such projects which future grief guys groups could address.

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