Tuesday, February 18, 2025

MGG - 6.17 - Gloria - Gloria's Hoodie

As possibly mentioned elsewhere, my wardrobe, these days, consists principally of free clothing provided by vendors, trade shows, and conferences at which I have spoken.  This is the reason that my wardrobe is predominantly black: vendors have been in love with black for the past two decades, at the very least.  I have lots of black t-shirts, black hoodies, black jackets, and even black socks.

One of the conferences where I got swag was at CanSecWest.  However, I don't have very much of it, because Dragos (or whoever did his ordering), ordered from Malaysia, Indonesia, and other places where men are much smaller than they are in North America.  An awful lot of the swag clothing provided by CanSecWest, even when it was marked as 3XL (three times extra large) would be a medium, at best.  So, I didn't bring home an awful lot of that swag.

One hoodie that I did bring home was, in fact, too small for me at the time.  But it fit Gloria just fine.  And so she took to wearing it, and wore it quite a bit.  It was interesting when people would ask her where she got the hoodie, and what the logo was, and we then had to explain that it was clothing from a conference to which I had proposed a presentation, but it was too small for me, so Gloria wore it.

As also noted elsewhere, after Gloria died, I found that I had lost weight over her period of illness and death.  And then continued to lose weight, over the weeks that followed.  So, having been overweight for pretty much all of our married life, I figured that I should use this head start, and the fact that I was walking everywhere, to try and diet, and lose a bit more.

Shortly, therefore, I was down to a size where I could wear the hoodie again.  So I did.  I still have it, and, mostly because Gloria wore it so much, it could be one piece of my wardrobe that I would have trouble throwing away.  There were also a number of the t-shirts that I had, and still have, that Gloria would wear.  There were a number that were not big enough for me at my highest weight, but which Gloria could wear just fine.  They are now mixed in with my t-shirts, and there are only a few of them that I can specifically identify as being t-shirts that were Gloria's amongst all of mine, as I am now small enough to wear all of them, with some of them being exceptionally large.  But, as Gloria frequently noted, I never care what I wear so the fact that it's oversized isn't a particular issue for me.

I did finally get to speak at CanSecWest, six months after Gloria died.  (It was, in fact, six months to the *day* after Gloria died.)  And I was given another jacket, by CanSecWest, at that particular conference.  By that time, the largest jacket that they had available was, in fact, big enough to fit me.  So, I do have two pieces of CanSecWest swag that I can wear.  And do.

Previous: https://fibrecookery.blogspot.com/2025/02/mgg-616-gloria-monopoly.html

Introduction and ToC: https://fibrecookery.blogspot.com/2023/10/mgg-introduction.html

Next: https://fibrecookery.blogspot.com/2025/02/mgg-618-gloria-health-1.html

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