Gloria knew, at the age of 12, that her singing voice was a gift from God, and was to be used for God's glory. She sang in church: she sang in church choirs, and she sang as a soloist. She was aware that being on the platform carried certain responsibilities. She knew that her demeanor, and even facial expression, on the platform either contributed to, or distracted from, worship, by the congregation. She understood her responsibilities, and trained herself to smile, or at least look pleasant, at all times went on the platform.
Gloria was also, rather acutely, aware of pictures. This probably stemmed from the fact that being on the platform, she would appear in pictures when people took pictures of the platform party. Understood that having a picture taken was not always about you: it was about the person taking the picture, and ensuring that they had a picture that they wanted. Gloria had no patience for people who protested that they didn't take good pictures, and therefore would not smile when asked for a picture.
Gloria was also, as noted, a secretary, but a very senior secretary. Therefore, also as noted, she was an underpaid manager. Underpaid, and also, very often, on regarded, by those who go merely by job titles. Gloria knew her responsibilities there, as well, and made sure that she was able to manage the work of her bosses subordinates, regardless of what they thought about having to take orders from a mere secretary.
There were two results from these responsibilities. The one was that, despite her natural tendency to introversion, Gloria knew that she had responsibilities to present herself, in a variety of situations. She could not merely be a shrinking violet: she had to take her responsibilities seriously, and present herself, regardless of the fact that she would have preferred to remain in the background. Many people who only knew Gloria as in her professional life, or as a soloist and choir member, didn't understand that Gloria was an introvert, and would have been surprised to hear her described as such.
But the other result was that Gloria understood the importance of presenting a pleasant demeanor. Because she trained herself to do this, it became her "resting" face. When she was simply walking down the street, people would think that she was smiling at them, and would smile back. This undoubtedly brightened the day of many people over the years, as Gloria would be seen as smiling at people, and they would smile, and then the next people that they saw would smile back at them, as well. We can all use an extra smile in our day, whatever our situations.
I learned this from Gloria. She was aware that it was a deliberate choice and practice, and, having learned it from her, I practiced it as well. Over the years of our marriage, apparently I have managed to emulate her to a certain extent. People that I pass walking on the street smile at me, obviously thinking that my resting face is smiling, and so I know that, to a limited extent, I have managed to learn this from Gloria, and to emulate it, at least partly.
This extended to other facets of life in other ways. Gloria did not have a problem with being seen to enjoy something. Our society tends to denigrate the appearance of enjoyment. We seem to think that we have to be too cool to enjoy something. So, unless something is really spectacular, and surprises us into a gas of astonishment, we seldom smile, or clap, or laugh at enjoyable things around us. Gloria, particularly when she was enjoying something, would indicate her enjoyment. As an extension of her responsibility, and the responsibility of social presence, would Express her enjoyment, and would even express more enjoyment, then perhaps she felt, simply to encourage others. Her social leadership was a responsibility that she felt even when she did not have a professional position to uphold in a given situation. It was simply an extension of her general responsibility and leadership. So, for the Lynn Valley Day parade, she would clap for the floats, and bands, and marching groups, as they passed by. She would call out encouragement.
Introduction and ToC:
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