Monday, November 11, 2024

MGG - 5.46 - HWYD - Trivially easy

He's a colleague in the virus research community, and we've known each other for years.  He is annoying because he thinks he knows everything.  What's even *more* annoying is that he's generally correct: he does know pretty much everything there is to know about malware.  And when he challenges you on a point, he's usually right.  And you're usually wrong.  I have only ever won one argument with him.

As Windows was becoming more dominant, and the Windows Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) file format was becoming more important, I made the statement that it was trivially easy to embed a virus in any Windows OLE format file.  (I don't know that it's as much an actual file format as the way that Windows itself deals with files.  And there's a difference between linking and embedding.  But that's tech stuff.)  In any case, I said it was trivially easy.  He said it wasn't.

Other people joined the argument.  He stuck to his guns.  And then he disappeared from the argument.  When he disappears from an argument, that's the time to worry.  Because he is going away, researching the topic, and when he comes back he is going to nail your hide to the wall.  Eventually, he came back.  And said, "It is trivially easy to embed a virus in any OLE file."  And provided an example to prove the point.  So I won that one.  (Even though he never admitted that I won  :-)  But it was a great relief to finally not be wrong in an argument with him.


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