Thursday, October 17, 2024

Job 3:20-22

Why is light given to those in misery, and life to the bitter of soul,
to those who long for death that does not come, who search for it more than for hidden treasure,
who are filled with gladness and rejoice when they reach the grave?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Complete, free CISSP review seminar

OK, it's all done.  As of 20241016, all of the CISSP review seminar materials are recorded and posted.  It's kind of bizarre to think that it has taken more than a year and a half, and roughly 450 individual video clips (probably comprising approximately sixty total hours of video).  As the CISSP is a very decent overview of the entire field, it is also a good introduction to information security, whether you intend to get certified or not.

The complete set is available on any or all of:

Details, references, and pointers to sample questions are posted at
This completion notice is at

I have to say that, as a social media experiment, so far it has indicated that social media is the absolutely *worst* platform for education, at least from the instructor's viewpoint.  I have, in more than a year and a half, had precisely *one* question about any of the material.  Either I have delivered everything perfectly (a consummation devoutly to be wished, but unlikely in the *extreme*), or social media users are massively passive, and can't be bothered thinking about what they are consuming (given what I've seen in my forty-plus years on the net, much *MUCH* more probable).

I hope it is of use to you or your colleagues.  It is now available, for free, as instruction or reference, so long as any of the five platforms above continue to exist and provide content.  It is my sincerest wish that it is helpful to those genuinely wishing to join our information security profession, and support the productive use of technology as a whole.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


What is the point of being strong, if all you get from being strong is more pain?

Job 23:16

God has made me lose heart.  The Almighty has terrified me.  Because of all my troubles, I seem to be in a very dark place.  The darkness seems to cover me.  But I will not be afraid to speak.

Monday, October 14, 2024

MGG - 5.33 - HWYD - Houston, we have a zero

My baby sister married a guy whose job is fairly specialized, and there are only a few companies in the world who can employ him.  Fortunately for them, these companies are located in exotic areas of the world, and so they have lived in all kinds of places around the world.

Twice I have been able to visit them while I was out teaching.  The first time was in Houston Texas.  I had a lot of fun with my nephews, including reading "Where the Wild Things Are" to them.  The thing was, that the copy of "Where the Wild Things Are" that they had was in German.  While I know some words of German, there is absolutely no way that I could get through an entire book, even a children's book.  However, since "Where the Wild Things Are" is a favorite of children around the world, our grandchildren had been very interested in it.  Therefore, I had the English text pretty much memorized.  So I would just flip the pages, be reminded of the point in the story that we were dealing with because of the illustrations on the page, and recite, from memory, the English text of the story.

As I say, in this instance I was teaching in Houston, Texas.  Houston is on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.  Therefore, most of the time, it has a fairly sub-tropical climate.  But this was in January, and Houston had a cold snap.  The temperature did, in fact, fall to the freezing point: 0° C (celsius), or, as the Americans would say, 32° F (fahrenheit).

So it is, literally, freezing.  In fact, it was snowing.  Very lightly, but snowing.  I was not particularly concerned about either the fact that it was freezing; because of course it was only just freezing; or the fact that it was snowing.  I was in shirt-sleeves, running back and forth from my rental car to the venue and bringing in all the necessary materials.  All the Texans, of course, were showing up wearing every single scarf and sweater that they owned, with whatever kind of warm hat they might own.  Shivering and complaining all the while.


Introduction and ToC:

Next: TBA

Saturday, October 12, 2024


There is nothing in this world quite so pathetic as a widower with a cold.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Psalm 69:20

Insults and reproach have broken my heart; I despair and am distressingly sick.  I looked for sympathy, or even pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but found no one.