Saturday, January 25, 2025

Collaboration Opportunity: Wikipedia Page Creation spam

I recently found a message in my spam folder with a subject line of "Collaboration Opportunity: Wikipedia Page Creation."  I've subsequently received another one, from the same email account.  I'm not sure whether this is an *outright* fraud, or just somebody trying (rather desperately?) to create a business for himself.

It opens with:

> Good day,


> I trust this email finds you in great spirits.

.. so, obviously, this person doesn't know much about me.  It continues:

> As a Wikipedia moderator, I recently came across your exceptional work and contributions.

> Your achievements are truly remarkable, and I believe they deserve a broader audience.

Now, this is all very flattering.  However, as one who has been studying spam since its inception (oh, yes, I *am* old enough to remember a time when there *wasn't* any), and as one who recently had occasion to test how well the various genAI models do at creating a promotional biography, I can't help but note that my exceptional work and contributions and truly remarkable achievements are just a *little* shy on specifics.

And then we get to the hook:

> Would you be interested in exploring the creation of your Wikipedia page? It would be a 

> fantastic way to showcase your impact and share your story with the world.

Now here, Mr. Wikipedia Moderator's lack of research *really* shines.  The thing is, I already *have* a Wikipedia page.  Despite any other interesting accomplishments, the one thing that always impressed my grandchildren's school classmates was that I had one.  (A friend [and co-author] had someone *finally* correct Gloria's current status, which I long held as a personal insult, and still hold as proof of the carelessness of Wikipedia's editting and content creation.)

And we finish up with:

> I’d be delighted to discuss this with you further. Please let me know your thoughts.

> Best regards,

[name elided]

> Wikipedia Moderator,

> Writing Fortress.

My thoughts are that, despite the "open source" and free principles of Wikipedia, further discussions would probably involve mentions of money.  I have no idea whether any "Writing Fortress" actually exists, although I think Wikipedia editors are editors and not moderators (but I don't know that for sure).

So, whether fraud or just an overeager push by someone who obviously doesn't have the skills to run the business that he's trying to create, it's spam.

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