Thursday, April 7, 2022


I've been having a dull ache in my hands.  I've noticed that it gets worse when they are cold, and that it eases when I stick my hands under a hot tap.

I think I've got arthritis.  After all, I'm old, and old people tend to get arthritis.

So, I'm thinking I need to keep my hands warm.  Fortunately, thinking that Gloria was going to be here, one of the things I *didn't* throw out in the move was a bunch of gloves that we had, and, because they were separate, I also didn't throw them out with Gloria's clothes.  So I tried a pair today, and it seems to have worked.  My hands didn't get as cold, and didn't get as sore.  (Wearing gloves is a bit of a nuisance when shopping, but I'll have to work that out.)

As Gloria's Grama Campbell often said, old age is not for wimps.

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